
Team info

Welcome to Stroud Rugby Colts

Our objective is to continue to develop an understanding of the game focusing on skills such as passing and receiving, and how to support team mates. Training and games are approached in a way that is fun and enjoyable for all....


About the team

Our objective is to continue to develop an understanding of the game focusing on skills such as passing and receiving, and how to support team mates. Training and games are approached in a way that is fun and enjoyable for all.
Training sessions are varied and full of different tasks so that the players can develop their skills in ways they find entertaining and interesting.
We ensure that all players are included each week, both in training sessions and in matches and we welcome new players to the squad at any time - it’s never too late to join.

Contact our team coordinator: Ellie Burcher
We train on Thursday (18.00-19.15), and either play a match or train on Sundays.
During the season we are scheduled to participate in a number of friendly matches and the GRFU League (South).

Ellie Burcher
Colts First Aider
Ellie Burcher
Jane Wathen
Colts Head Coach
Jane Wathen
Jane Wathen
Colts First Aider
Jane Wathen

Team news


Team Sponsors

Main Club Sponsor - Stroud Brewery
Club Sponsor - Nortim Engineering Ltd
Sponsor - Cotswold Appliances (Oxford) Ltd
Club sponsors  - Howard Tenens Logistics Ltd
Club Sponsor - EPS